What’s difference between braces and removable plates?
-Braces are much more comfortable for a patient, is fixed only on a tooth surface and a main fixation part of the removable plate is placed on the mucous. A desirable effect can be attained with the braces much quickly than in case of the removable plates. Furthermore all kinds of anomaly can be corrected only with the braces.
Do braces injure teeth?
-Braces don’t injure enamel as for its fixation a tooth tissue isn’t treated.
What is the limiting age for teeth correction?
-Teeth can be corrected at all ages.
How long does teeth correction with braces take?
-From 7 months to 2 years, as the case may be.
Why is a retainer needed after treatment?
-In order to maintain an effect for a certain period of time it is necessary that a retainer be fixed so that teeth don’t revert to the previous state. The retainer is fixed on the 6 front-teeth from inside and is invisible.
What’s difference between metal-ceramic and nonmetal-ceramic teeth?
-In contrast to the metal-ceramics the nonmetal-ceramic is made on the zirconium oxide basis which has an elastic characteristic. A crown is light-refractive, firmer and more biocompatible.
Does a crown cause gum blackening or injury?
-A crown mustn’t cause change of a gum color (blackening, bluing, reddening, unpleasant smell and taste), the gum’s color change is a sign that the crown on the tooth isn’t fixed properly and needs remake.
Nylon prosthesis is unbreakable and easily flexible, isn’t it?
-Yes, it is. Nylon prosthesis isn’t breakable because of its elasticity. It is light, thinner than a plastic one, doesn’t have clammers (string) and is much more adaptable.
Removable prosthesis is loose in mouth cavity, what are the reasons for it?
-A removable prosthesis is micro loose (a little loose) but it mustn’t be utterly felt. With the view of its avoidance a doctor should take into consideration all details providing a prosthesis fixation.
What are the reasons for gingivitis (inflammation of the gum)?
-The main reasons for gingivitis are as follows: an improper filling, badly fitted crown, teeth tartar and plague (expressed with gum bleeding and an unpleasant smell in a mouth cavity).
Is teeth cleaning dangerous at dentists’?
-On the contrary, it is necessary as a tooth tartar and plague negatively affect teeth and gums. We should bear in mind that a professional cleaning is necessary as a minimum at 6 months’ interval.
Are injection and X-ray permissible during pregnancy?
-From the viewpoint of anesthesia the first and last 3 months of pregnancy are important. Adrenalin-free anesthetic drugs should be applied by which a risk of worsening can be reduced to a minimum.
As regards X-ray during pregnancy it is not advisable except in extreme cases using protective aprons. Concerning RVG it is absolutely safe for both pregnant and children.
Why is only light cure composite filling used at your dental clinic?
-Light cure composite filling chemically gets into contact with a tooth tissue and probability of its slipping out is minimal. In addition, applying light cure composite filling we can give a tooth a desirable color and form.
How long does a whitening effect of teeth last?
-The effect lasts for 2-5years, is individual and depends on lifestyle and how a patient follows oral hygiene.
Children’s dentistry
Is treatment of a calf’s tooth necessary? It is a replacing one, isn’t it?
-Treatment of a calf’s teeth is necessary as they assist in the process of both upper and lower jaws’ normal formation;
-Root of a calf’s tooth is placed close to a germ of a permanent tooth and in case of its injury often damages a germ of a permanent tooth;
-An untimely extraction of a calf’s tooth results in a premature cut of a permanent tooth taking a misplaced position.
At what age does a child cut the first permanent tooth and which one is it?
-The first permanent tooth is the sixth tooth, it cuts from 6 years of age and in most cases tends to injury very soon. Parents should be careful so that not to miss even a least injury. We should keep in mind that the sixth tooth is permanent and a child never replaces it.